Province of West Nusa Tenggara NTB province consists of two main islands, namely Lombok and Sumbawa with a total area of approximately 20,153.15 km. Nusa Tenggara Barat has 280 small islands. Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat borders with the Java Sea and the Flores Sea to the north and Samudera Indonesia to the south, Lombok Strait to the west and Bali province, East Nusa Tenggara to the east. The influence of Islam emerged in this era, especially the influence of the development of Islam from the island of Java. The majority of the population is Muslim (95%), Hindu (3%) and others. This region was under the domination of the Majapahit Empire in the 14th Century. Since the 15th Century, several kingdoms emerged in Lombok and Sumbawa Island such as the Bima Kingdom, Lombok Kingdom Dompu Kingdom, and Kingdom of Desa Lae.
In the tourism sector, NTB also has a variety of natural and cultural tourism destinations. The province has a total of four airports with one international airport. Among its regions, Mandalika was also chosen as 10 national priority tourism destinations.
NTB has a wealth of cultural heritage which reflects the identity of the tribes, such as Sasambo batik. The name Sasambo itself is a combination of the names of the three biggest tribes in NTB, namely Sasak (Lombok), Samawa (Sumbawa Besar), and Mbojo (Bima).