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Latest Research Publication in Virtual Archaeology Review Q1 Journal

Recent publication on the topic of “From WEB 1.0 to WEB 4.0: The Digital Heritage Platforms for UNESCO’s Heritage Properties in Indonesia” has been published on the open access Q1 journal of Virtual Archaeology Review. Written by Puspita Ayu Permatasari, Akhmad Abdul Qohar (Indonesia), and Arief Faizal Rachman (Indonesia), the authors revealed the characteristics of digital heritage platforms as well as the online presence of Indonesian World Heritage Sites and Intangible Cultural Heritage through 180 webpages and 322 mobile apps. The paper is available to download in this link.  

The study of these digital heritage platforms are realized thanks to the support of Indonesian LPDP (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) Endowment Funds Scholarships, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia and the UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites USI – Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland.

The issue of cultural heritage is not only related to local identity but also related to socio-cultural sustainability, which implies shared responsibilities among stakeholders.

From WEB 1.0 to WEB 4.0: The Digital Heritage Platforms for UNESCO’s Heritage Properties in Indonesia” – Permatasari, et al., 2020, Virtual Archaeology Review Journal.

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