Home / Indonesian Batik – Motifs Classifications – Batik of Agrarian Society

Batik of Agrarian Society

All Batik motifs created by rural community that illustrate the mountain environment, local wisdom and its complex society.

Tanah Liek

Tanah Liek

Tanah Liek batik is also known as clay batik, which is a typical batik fabric originating from



The Toraja people believe that when a person set foot outside his

Pintu Aceh

Pintu Aceh

The motif represents the personality of Aceh people who are always

Bunga Raye

Bunga Raye

The Bunga Raye or Raye Blossom motif reflects the combination motifs of the Dayak Tidung and

Kerawang Tegak

Kerawang Tegak

Kerawang Tegak Motif symbolizes a person who has a strong awareness of



Sekomandi textile is the typical Batik and woven textile heritage of

Penari Melayu

Penari Melayu

Penari Melayu (Malay Dancer) illustrates the traditional dance of Malay ethnic in