Home / Indonesian Batik – Motifs Classifications – Batik of Agrarian Society
Batik of Agrarian Society
All Batik motifs created by rural community that illustrate the mountain environment, local wisdom and its complex society.
Tidayu designs consist of sacred motifs adopted from
The word “Bultiya” is an acronym of the names of the three major tribes in
Daun Simpor
The distinct shape of Simpor plant signifies the regeneration of
Desa Na Tolu
The Desa Na Tolu pattern symbolizes the Batak philosophy of existence and
Pattimura is the name of Indonesian hero who fought against
La Galigo
La Galigo is a literary work of the Buginese Epic that consist of 300.000 epic lines and
Pisang Bali
This batik motif is usually given by a person to his/her lover who is
Daun Lada Hitam
The word “Lada Hitam” refers to Black pepper and represents
The word “Rangkiang” refers to the rice barn in
Gorga Simeol-Meol
Gorga Simeol-meol is regarded as a symbol of