Home / About iWareBatik – News dan Events / Digital Technologies in Promoting Inclusive Growth: iWareBatik User Experience Events in Cooperation with 33 Indonesian Universities
Digital Technologies in Promoting Inclusive Growth: iWareBatik User Experience Events in Cooperation with 997 participants from 33 Universities across Indonesia
Embracing UNWTO World Tourism Day 2021 with the theme of “Tourism for Inclusive Growth”, iWareBatik holds a series of User Experience (UX) events in cooperation with 33 universities across Indonesia. The events were held from 12th August to 25th September 2021. This program had been participated by more than 926 bachelor level students divided into 17 batches. The program aimed at, in particular, generating feedback of user experience towards the use of iWareBatik in different contexts, while at the same time gathering innovative ideas on how to better safeguard intangible cultural heritage through digital technologies. During the workshop, the students learned how to valorise the exceptional cultural values of Indonesian traditional textiles (Batik, woven textiles, embroideries, Papuan Noken, etc.), as well as how to better understand its valorisation in a way that supports the sustainable development of local communities through tourism and related creative industry such as fashion.
The 17 batches of UX activities as a learning experience were participated by Indonesian young scholars from 15 provinces across western to eastern parts of Indonesia. The 33 participating universities are Jakarta State University (UNJ), Aceh Syiah Kuala University, Riau School of Tourism, Gajah Mada University, Padjajaran University, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Bandung Tourism Academy, Riau University, Halu Oleo University, Trisakti School of Tourism, Dian Nuswantoro University, Malang State University, Surabaya Islamic State University, Palembang Raden Fatah University, Udayana University, Yogyakarta School of Tourism (STP AMPTA Yogyakarta), Pancasila University, Jember University, North Sumatra Simalungun University, East Java Airlangga University, Surakarta Mandala Bhakti Tourism School, Trunojoyo University, Yogyakarta Economic School of Tourism (STIE API Yogya), Banyuwangi State University, Jakarta STIAMI Management School, South Sulawesi Fajar University, Soedirman University, West Kalimantan Sambas University, Christian Maranatha University, Denpasar Handayani School of Tourism, North Maluku Pattimura University, Medan Tourism Politechnic, and Papua Cendrawasih University, The final stage of the UX program will be followed by a Hackathon virtual competition of USI UNESCO Chair, where the selected students from all participating universities are invited to virtually present their ideas on 15 and 29th October 2021.
This program is conducted thanks to the support of the USI UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland and all media partners, such as CAVENTER, Pesona Desa, Milangkori, and Kanca Nusantara.
Batik is a textile-making tradition in Indonesia that was inscribed by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009.
iWareBatik is a digital platform that is designed to showcase and communicate the exceptional cultural values of Batik tradition that is protected by UNESCO as the legacy of humanity.
The online platform serves to help international and Indonesian Batik stakeholders to identify the variety of Batik textiles, philosophical values behind the motif, its place of origin, and useful information about local producers. Since Batik characterises the culture of each region in Indonesia, iWareBatik platform also features information about Indonesian tourism overview related to Batik in 34 provinces across Indonesia.
The Artificial Intelligence machine learning provides a new learning experience to reveal the hidden past of the Batik motifs using the Batik Recognition Tool in the mobile app.
App download links:

The program aims at generating feedback of user experience towards the use of iWareBatik in different contexts, as well as to gather innovative ideas on how to better safeguard intangible cultural heritage through digital technologies.
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