Home / About iWareBatik – News dan Events / Batik as the Manifestation of Indonesian Defense Heritage
Batik as the Manifestation of Indonesian Defense Heritage
The development of iWareBatik digital technology sparked the interest international and Indonesian intellectual communities during the talks of “Preserving Indonesian Batik in the Digital Age from the Perspective of National History” which was held on 29.08.2020. The Webinar was attended by Prof Dr. Muliaman D. Hadad Indonesian Ambassador for Switzerland dan Liechtenstein, Jeanne Francoise, Ph.D (cand.), Founder of Indonesian Defense Heritage Intellectual Community (DHIC), and Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, Ph.D, the Director of USI UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites, Switzerland. Furthermore, Jeanne Francoise states that iWareBatik helps the preservation of Batik as Indonesian Defense Heritage. Pancasila, Batik, and Indonesian language are classified as Indonesian Defense Heritage. By combining the concept of defense heritage and remembering that Indonesia has ratified the convention of UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in 2003, iWareBatik has shown the world that Indonesian Batik is an element of intangible defense heritage, which strongly reflect our national identity.

Batik is a textile-making tradition in Indonesia that was inscribed by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009. iWareBatik is a digital platform that is designed to showcase and communicate the exceptional cultural values of Batik tradition that is protected by UNESCO as the legacy of humanity. The online platform serves to help international and Indonesian Batik stakeholders to identify the variety of Batik textiles, philosophical values behind the motif, its place of origin, and useful information about local producers. Since Batik characterises the culture of each region in Indonesia, iWareBatik platform also features information about Indonesian tourism overview related to Batik in 34 provinces across Indonesia. Equipped with Artificial Intelligence machine learning, it provides a new learning experience to reveal the hidden past of the Batik motifs using the Batik Recognition Tool in the mobile app.

iWareBatik has shown the world that Indonesian Batik is an element of intangible defense heritage, which strongly reflect our national identity.
– Jeanne Francoise, Ph. D (cand.)
Preserving Indonesian Batik in the Digital Age from the Perspective of National History
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