Home / About iWareBatik – News dan Events / The Most Downloaded App: iWareBatik reaches more than 1000 downloads
The Most Downloaded App: iWareBatik reaches more than 1000 downloads
iWareBatik reaches more than 1000 downloads on Android and several hundreds of downloads on iOs platform. This achievement marks the first success milestone since its launching day on August, 17 2021. In 2020, iWareBatik becomes the most downloaded Batik mobile application for educational purposes along with the “Map of Batik” application issued by Bandung Fe Institute and Sobat Budaya Association. The presence of iWareBatik digital initiative helps international and Indonesian stakeholders to learn and discover the richness of Batik as an intangible cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO in 2009.
Batik is a textile-making tradition in Indonesia that was inscribed by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009.
iWareBatik is a digital platform that is designed to showcase and communicate the exceptional cultural values of Batik tradition that is protected by UNESCO as the legacy of humanity.
The online platform serves to help international and Indonesian Batik stakeholders to identify the variety of Batik textiles, philosophical values behind the motif, its place of origin, and useful information about local producers. Since Batik characterises the culture of each region in Indonesia, iWareBatik platform also features information about Indonesian tourism overview related to Batik in 34 provinces across Indonesia.
The Artificial Intelligence machine learning provides a new learning experience to reveal the hidden past of the Batik motifs using the Batik Recognition Tool in the mobile app.
App download links:

This achievement marks the first success milestone since its launching day on August, 17 2021. In 2020, iWareBatik becomes the most downloaded Batik mobile application for educational purposes.
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